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<< Unit 2 : Sophocles >>

Unit 2 is devoted to Sophocles (496–406 BCE), the most successful of the three tragedians in his lifetime. Regarded even in antiquity as the most "classical" playwrights, Sophocles is remembered for large themes such as honor and fate.

In this unit the Stagings exercises continue, and students begin to conceptualize the Semester project.

  Wednesday, February 21
  Topics for today
  -- Midterm exam preview
-- Who Was Sophocles?
-- Project: Group meeting 2
  Saturday, February 24
  -- Project: Outline (Writers email class, 11:00 p.m.)
  Monday, February 26
  -- Sophocles, Women of Trachis (450–430 BCE)
-- Reflections on Women of Trachis (by noon)
-- Optional background: Heracles, Deianira
  Topics for today

-- Discussion of Women of Trachis
-- Stagings: Alpha

  Wednesday, February 28
  -- Rehm 2002.1 (41–54 only)
-- Staging an Ancient Greek Play
  Topics for today
  -- Athenian dramatic festivals
-- The City Dionysia
  Monday, March 5
  -- Sophocles, Oedipus (430-428 BCE)
-- Reflections on Oedipus (by noon)
-- Optional background: Oedipus
  Topics for today
  -- Discussion of Oedipus
-- Stagings: Beta
  Wednesday, March 7
  Midterm Examination
  Monday, March 12
  Spring Break
  -- No classes held
  Wednesday, March 14
  Spring Break
  -- No classes held
  Monday, March 19
  -- Sophocles, Antigone (?441 BCE)
-- Reflections on Antigone (by noon)
-- Optional background: Antigone
  Topics for today
  -- Discussion of Antigone
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