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Spring Semester 2018
  Monday, January 22
  Topics for today
  -- Course, requirements, website
-- What is Tragedy?
-- Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides
  Wednesday, January 24
  -- Rehm 2002.1 (35–41 only)
  Topics for today

-- The origins of Greek drama
-- Theaters and Theatrical Space
-- Who Was Euripides?

-- Reflections: Overview
-- Stagings: Overview

  Monday, January 29
  -- Euripides, Medea (431 BCE, third prize)
-- Reflections on Medea (by noon)
-- Optional background: Medea
  Topics for today
  -- Discussion of Medea
-- The parts of tragedy
-- Medea: Video highlights
  Wednesday, January 31
  -- Rehm 1992.5 (43–61 only)
  Topics for today

-- Modes of performance
-- Actors versus Chorus
-- Agon and Debate in Athenian Culture
-- Medea: Video highlights
-- Project: Overview

  Saturday, February 3
  -- Review Project page
-- Project: Qualifications (email, 11:00 p.m.)
  Monday, February 5
  -- Euripides, Bacchae (after 406 BCE, posthumous first)
-- Reflections on Bacchae (by noon)
-- Optional background: Dionysus
  Topics for today

-- Stagings: Alpha
-- Discussion of Bacchae
-- The Dionysiac

  Wednesday, February 7
  Topics for today

-- Project: Group meeting 1

  Monday, February 12
  -- Euripides, Hippolytus (428 BCE, first prize)
-- Reflections on Hippolytus (by noon)
-- Optional background: Hippolytus, Phaedra, Theseus
  Topics for today

-- Discussion of Hippolytus
-- Stagings: Beta

  Wednesday, February 14

--Sommerstein 2005 (all)

  Topics for today
  -- Dramatizing myth
-- Plotting the Project
  Saturday, February 17
  -- Project: myth option (email class, 11:00 p.m.)
  Monday, February 19
  -- Euripides, Heracles (416–4 BCE)
-- Reflections on Heracles (by noon)
-- Optional background: Heracles, Theseus
  Topics for today

-- Discussion of Heracles
-- Stagings: Gamma

  Wednesday, February 21
  Topics for today
  -- Midterm exam preview
-- Who Was Sophocles?
-- Project: Group meeting 2
  Saturday, February 24
  -- Project: Outline (Writers email class, 11:00 p.m.)
  Monday, February 26
  -- Sophocles, Women of Trachis (450–430 BCE)
-- Reflections on Women of Trachis (by noon)
-- Optional background: Heracles, Deianira
  Topics for today

-- Discussion of Women of Trachis
-- Stagings: Alpha

  Wednesday, February 28
  -- Rehm 2002.1 (41–54 only)
-- Staging an Ancient Greek Play
  Topics for today
  -- Athenian dramatic festivals
-- The City Dionysia
  Monday, March 5
  -- Sophocles, Oedipus (430-428 BCE)
-- Reflections on Oedipus (by noon)
-- Optional background: Oedipus
  Topics for today
  -- Discussion of Oedipus
-- Stagings: Beta
  Wednesday, March 7
  Midterm Examination
  Monday, March 12
  Spring Break
  -- No classes held
  Wednesday, March 14
  Spring Break
  -- No classes held
  Monday, March 19
  -- Sophocles, Antigone (?441 BCE)
-- Reflections on Antigone (by noon)
-- Optional background: Antigone
  Topics for today
  -- Discussion of Antigone
  Wednesday, March 21
  -- Rehm 1992.5 (61-65, 68-73 only)
  Topics for today

-- Stagings: Gamma
-- Prologues and messenger speeches
-- Who Was Aeschylus?

  Saturday, March 24
  -- Project: Draft 1, Report 1 (email class, 11:00 p.m.)
  Monday, March 26
  -- Aeschylus, Agamemnon (458 BCE, first prize)
-- Reflections on Agamemnon (by noon)
-- Optional background: Agamemnon
  Topics for today
  -- Agamemnon, part 1 (Peter Hall, 1981) [link]
-- Discussion of Agamemnon
  Wednesday, March 28
  Topics for today
  -- Project: Group meeting 3
  Saturday, March 31
  -- Project: Draft 2, Report 2 (email class, 11:00 p.m.)
  Monday, April 2

-- Taplin 2006: "The Harrison Version"
-- Optional background: Agamemnon

  Topics for today
  -- Agamemnon, part 2 (Peter Hall, 1981) [link]
-- Discussion of Agamemnon
-- Violence on the stage
  Wednesday, April 4
  -- Aeschylus, Libation Bearers (458 BCE, first prize)
-- Reflections on Libation Bearers (by noon)
-- Optional background: Orestes, Electra
  Topics for today
  -- Libation Bearers (Peter Hall, 1981) [link]
-- Discussion of Libation Bearers
  Saturday, April 7
  -- Project: Draft 3, Report 3 (email class, 11:00 p.m.)
  Monday, April 9
  Topics for today
  -- Masks, part 1 (outside Filene, weather permitting)
  Wednesday, April 11
  Topics for today
  -- Masks, part 2 (outside Filene, weather permitting)
  Saturday, April 14
  -- Project: Report 4 (email class, 11:00 p.m.)
  Monday, April 16
  -- Aeschylus, Furies (458 BCE, first prize)
-- Reflections on Furies (by noon)
-- Optional background: Orestes, Athena
  Topics for today
  -- Highlights: Furies (Peter Hall, 1981) [link]
-- Discussion of Furies
  Wednesday, April 18
  -- Vovolis and Zamboulakis 2007
-- Completed (and practiced) masks
  Topics for today
  -- Masks in performance
  Saturday, April 21
  -- Project: Report 5 (email class, 11:00 p.m.)
  Monday, April 23
  Topics for today
  -- Project: Group meeting 4
  Wednesday, April 25
  Topics for today
  -- Project: Group meeting 5
  Sunday, April 29
  -- Project: Performance
-- 8:00 p.m., Falstaff's
  Monday, April 30
  Topics for today
  -- Project: Discussion
-- Aristotle on tragedy
-- How to win a tragic contest
-- Course evaluations
  Wednesday, May 2
  Academic Festival!
  Thursday, May 10
  -- Project: Final reflections (noon)
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