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Unit 1 : Euripides >>

Unit 1 is devoted to Euripides (485–406 BCE), the youngest of the great tragedians and the least successful in his own time. His fame after death, however, became the greatest of the three, and more of his plays survive than of any other ancient playwright.

As part of this unit, students will begin the Stagings exercises and embark upon the Semester project.

  Monday, January 22
  Topics for today
  -- Course, requirements, website
-- What is Tragedy?
-- Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides
  Wednesday, January 24
  -- Rehm 2002.1 (35–41 only)
  Topics for today

-- The origins of Greek drama
-- Theaters and Theatrical Space
-- Who Was Euripides?

-- Reflections: Overview
-- Stagings: Overview

  Monday, January 29
  -- Euripides, Medea (431 BCE, third prize)
-- Reflections on Medea (by noon)
-- Optional background: Medea
  Topics for today
  -- Discussion of Medea
-- The parts of tragedy
-- Medea: Video highlights
  Wednesday, January 31
  -- Rehm 1992.5 (43–61 only)
  Topics for today

-- Modes of performance
-- Actors versus Chorus
-- Agon and Debate in Athenian Culture
-- Medea: Video highlights
-- Project: Overview

  Saturday, February 3
  -- Review Project page
-- Project: Qualifications (email, 11:00 p.m.)
  Monday, February 5
  -- Euripides, Bacchae (after 406 BCE, posthumous first)
-- Reflections on Bacchae (by noon)
-- Optional background: Dionysus
  Topics for today

-- Stagings: Alpha
-- Discussion of Bacchae
-- The Dionysiac

  Wednesday, February 7
  Topics for today

-- Project: Group meeting 1

  Monday, February 12
  -- Euripides, Hippolytus (428 BCE, first prize)
-- Reflections on Hippolytus (by noon)
-- Optional background: Hippolytus, Phaedra, Theseus
  Topics for today

-- Discussion of Hippolytus
-- Stagings: Beta

  Wednesday, February 14

--Sommerstein 2005 (all)

  Topics for today
  -- Dramatizing myth
-- Plotting the Project
  Saturday, February 17
  -- Project: myth option (email class, 11:00 p.m.)
  Monday, February 19
  -- Euripides, Heracles (416–4 BCE)
-- Reflections on Heracles (by noon)
-- Optional background: Heracles, Theseus
  Topics for today

-- Discussion of Heracles
-- Stagings: Gamma

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