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CC 222 : Reflections on Women of Trachis
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Please answer the following questions about Sophocles' Women of Trachis, devoting 6-10 thoughtful sentences to each response.

Due: Monday, February 26, noon.




Deianira declares, "You cannot know a man's life before the man | has died" (vv. 2-3). How does this statement reflect larger themes and issues in the play?


Why do you think Sophocles uses a choral ode (pp. 102–3) to describe how Hercules defeated Acheloüs?


Deianira claims to hate women who are "bad and bold" (vv. 582–584). Does she become what she hates?


In many version of the myth, Heracles is transformed on his funeral pyre into a god. Why does Sophocles give no hint about the hero's impending metamorphosis?

Finishing up.

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