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CC 222 : Reflections on Medea
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Please answer the following questions about Euripides' Medea, devoting 6-10 thoughtful sentences to each response.

Due: Monday, January 29, noon.




Jason implies that he rescued Medea from barbarism (vv. 535-537). Is his claim justified? Why or why not?


Medea extracts promises from both Creon and Aegeus (vv. 324-356 and 731-755). Compare and contrast her methods in securing these promises.


Assuming you had read Medea for the first time, and you had no prior knowledge of the myth, would you have expected the heroine to kill her children? Why or why not?


Consider the placement of Jason and Medea onstage during the epilogue (vv. 1314-1419). Where are the characters, and how are their positions significant within the drama?

Finishing up.
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