CL 310 front page. Links to our next class and the current unit. |
overview of the course:
- Introduction: the big picture
- Goals:
what students will gain from the course
- Instructor: office hours and contact information
- Texts: books
to purchase
- Grading: bases for assessing student work
- Policies: attendance, accommodations, and other information
list of class meetings and due dates:
for the semester project:
Other assignments due in class:
Take-home quizzes due this term:
- Introduction: about these quizzes
- Format: how to complete the quizzes successfully
- Quiz 1: guidelines on the first quiz
- Quiz 2: guidelines on the second quiz
- Quiz 3: guidelines on the third quiz.
Books on open reserve at Scribner Library.
Links to Web resources on Ovid, poetry, grammar, and myth:
See also: