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Unit 1: Genesis >>

Unit 1 is devoted to selections from book 1 of the Metamorphoses, including Ovid's account of Creation and the Ages of Mankind.

How Ovid creates the world reflects how he reinvents the genre of epic, especially Greek epic, for the Augustan age.

  Tuesday, January 23
  Topics for today

-- The idea of a seminar
-- Epic and Other Literary Genres
-- Who Was Ovid?
-- Website and requirements
-- Discussions: Overview
-- Reading poetry: Met. 1.1–4

  Thursday, January 25

-- The proem: Met. 1.1–4
-- Creation: Met. 1.5–25

  Topics for today

-- Chaos to cosmos
-- Semester project overview
-- Sign up for research review

  Tuesday, January 30

-- Creation: Met. 1.26–56

  Topics for today

-- Poetry as creation
-- Hexameter practice (Met. 1.1–4)

  Thursday, February 1

-- The Birth of Man: Met. 1.57–88

  Topics for today

-- Humankind in Ovid's cosmos
Quizzes: Overview
-- Quiz 1 posted

  Tuesday, February 6

-- The Four Ages: Met. 1.89–124
-- Hexameter drill 1

  Topics for today

-- The fall of humankind
-- Poetry as imitation
-- Hesiod, WD 1–201 (Ages of Mankind)

  Thursday, February 8

-- The Four Ages: Met. 1.125–162
-- Fantham 2004, Chapter 10

  Topics for today

-- Discussion: Cail

  Saturday, February 10

-- Project: Topic/thesis (11:00 p.m.)

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