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<< Unit 2: Crime and Punishment >>

Unit 2 is devoted to the tales of Lycaon, Actaeon, Arachne, and Erysichthon, each of whom runs afoul of the gods.

All of these stories illustrate a common function of metamorphosis in Ovid, namely metamorphosis as punishment, whether deserved or not.

  Tuesday, February 13

-- Lycaon: Met. 1.163–205
-- Hexameter drill 2

  Topics for today

-- Jupiter the August

  Thursday, February 15

-- Lycaon: Met. 1.209–213; 218–243

  Topics for today

-- Theodicy (divine justice)

  Saturday, February 17

-- Quiz 1 (11:00 p.m.)

  Tuesday, February 20

-- Actaeon: Met. 3.155–205

  Topics for today

-- Landscape and the gaze


-- The David H. Porter Classical World Lecture
-- Davis Auditorium, 6:00 p.m.

-- Andrea Eis on Penelope's Odyssey

  Thursday, February 22

-- Actaeon: Met. 3.206–255
-- Fantham 2004, chapter 2

  Topics for today

-- Epic catalogs
-- Discussion: Heath

  Tuesday, February 27

-- Arachne: Met. 6.37–52; 70–102
-- Hexameter drill 3

  Topics for today

-- Art and artists

  Thursday, March 1

-- Arachne: Met. 6.103–145

  Topics for today

-- Ekphrasis

  Saturday, March 3
  -- Project: Biblio 1 (11:00 p.m.)
  Tuesday, March 6

-- Erysichthon: Met. 8.741–784
-- Hexameter drill 4

  Topics for today

-- Ovidian deities

  Thursday, March 8

-- Erysichthon: Met. 8.799–808; 814–842; 875–878
-- Fantham 2004, chapter 4

  Topics for today

-- Discussion: Taylor
-- Quiz 2 posted

  Tuesday, March 13
  Spring Break

-- No classes held

  Thursday, March 15
  Spring Break

-- No classes held

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