Zeus, Hercules, Athena, Hades, Aphrodite, Apollo, Medea...
The list of ancient gods, heroes, and heroines goes on and on, their names still powerful in the 21st century. But how did their stories give shape to Greek civilization and other traditions thereafter?
This course will survey the most important myths in Greek (and Roman) culture, with emphasis on their religious, psychological, historical, and literary origins. Comparative mythology, structural analysis, modern psychological interpretations, and the development of classical myths in literature and art will all receive due emphasis. |
of CC 220 will
- study
the major aspects of Greek myth;
- compare and contrast
various genres of myth;
- read
myths within different critical frameworks; and
- assess
the value of myth to modern audiences.
students will develop key reading and thinking skills
through class discussion, exams, projects, and written exercises.
Dan Curley
Office: |
Filene Hall |
Hours: |
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. |
Telephone: |
518.580.5463 |
email: |
dcurley@skidmore.edu |
All are required. Make sure that you have the editions/translations specified below, and note the abbreviations used on our Calendar. Print editions are preferred.
- Morford, M., R. J. Lenardon, and M. Sham. 2014. Classical Mythology. 10th edition. Oxford University Press. [MLS]
- Lombardo, Stanley. 2000. The Essential Homer: Selections from the Iliad and the Odyssey. Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. [EH]
- Shelmerdine, Susan C. 1995. The Homeric Hymns. Second edition. Focus Classical Library. [HH]
- Martin, Charles. 2004. Ovid: Metamorphoses. W.W. Norton. [Met]
participation (25%)
participation involves more than just attendance or coming to class on time. Students must also keep up with the readings and assignments,
participate actively during all sessions, and maintain
an environment that promotes the exchange of ideas.
For policies on attendance, see below under Policies.
Assignments to be completed in advance of each session, as well as topics to be covered in class, are listed on the Calendar.
Big Love: The Theater Department's fall main-stage production, an adaptation of Aeschylus' Suppliants, is required viewing. Students will receive complimentary tickets for the 11.29, 11.30, or 12.01 show and will make the play the subject of the third paper (see below).

Papers (15%)
During the semester students will write 3 brief papers, each a description and analysis of a post-classical text or object indebted to the classical tradition. As noted above, Big Love will be the subject of the third paper.
Details and guidelines here.

Project (25%)
the semester project, students will
write a traditionally original Greek myth in English. The
project will be ongoing, and will require a preliminary thesis, an outline,
a rough draft, and a final version.
Details and guidelines here.

Exams (35%)
Because CC 200 covers a lot of material, there will be three exams: two midterms and one final (which is essentially a third midterm).
Strategically placed during the semester, each exam will focus on the units immediately preceding.
- Midterm 1 (10%): Friday, October 6
- Midterm 2 (10%): Friday, November 3
- Final (15%): Tuesday, December 12, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Details on each exam will be given in advance.

Extra Credit
From time to time, Prof. Curley will announce extra-credit opportunities. Stay tuned!
Attendance at all sessions is mandatory. Absences due to illness or some other emergency must be excused before class. Late excuses will not be accepted.

Academic integrity
Skidmore's Academic Integrity Handbook (p. 6) defines plagiarism as "copying, paraphrasing, or imitating another person's ideas, information, data, words, descriptions, choice of evidence, structure of argument, and so on." It does not matter whether that person's work appears in print or on the web.
Cases of plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, will be referred to the Office of Academic Advising for appropriate sanctions.

Unless required as an accommodation (such as for a disability), laptops and tablets should not be used during class.
Likewise, phones must be silenced and stored away. If using a phone during class, you might be asked to leave.
If a laptop or other device is determined to be essential (not just desirable) for your learning, you will be asked to fill out and sign an agreement form that defines appropriate in-class use.

If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need academic accommodation, you must formally request accommodation from Meg Hegener, Coordinator for Student Access Services. You will also need to provide documentation that verifies the existence of a disability and supports your request.
For further information, please call 580-8150 or stop by the office of Student Academic Services in Starbuck Center.

Trigger warning
The material of classical studies is often violent and/or sexually explicit. Please be prepared for words, images, and discussions that might make you or your peers uncomfortable. If you have concerns about our readings, viewings, or anything else, please bring them to my attention.

Title IX statement
Skidmore College considers sexual and gender-based misconduct to be one of the most serious violations of the values and standards of the College. Unwelcome sexual contact of any form is a violation of students’ personal integrity and their right to a safe environment and therefore violates Skidmore’s values. Sexual and gender-based misconduct is also prohibited by federal regulations.
Skidmore College faculty are committed to supporting our students and upholding gender equity laws as outlined by Title IX. If a student chooses to confide in a member of Skidmore’s faculty or staff regarding an issue of sexual or gender-based misconduct, that faculty or staff member is obligated to tell Skidmore’s Title IX Deputy Coordinator.
The Title IX Deputy Coordinator will assist the student in connecting with all possible resources for support and reporting both on and off campus. Identities and details will be shared only with those who need to know to support the student and to address the situation through the college’s processes. If the student wishes to confide in a confidential resource, The Counseling Center Staff, Health Services, and Victim Advocates are all options available.
More information can be found at https://www.skidmore.edu/sgbm/ or by contacting the Title IX Deputy Coordinator.