
NAME____Dan Curley_______ RANK_______Visiting Lecturer________

EMAIL ADDRESS____dcurley______ DEPARTMENT______Classics______


A. New departmental courses taught; new approaches to existing courses, including use of computers
or multi-media in teaching:

Everything was new to me this year.  This was my teaching load:

CL 202 (Intermediate Latin II)
CL 222 (Greek Tragedy)
CL 365 (Ancient Biography)

CL 201 (Intermediate Latin I)
CL 224 (Greek and Roman Epic)
CL 302 (Seminar in Latin Prose:  Roman Private Life)

In all of my courses I developed web pages, and created a WWW project for CL 302, a "virtual term paper."

C. Curricular work-in-progress:

Planning for CL 301 next fall (A Latin poetry course on Ovid's tragic women) and for CL 100 next spring (a course on Greco-Roman etymology across the disciplines).

D. Skidmore curriculum/pedagogy summer workshops attended:

I attended the pedagogy workshop on 19 Feb., which dealt with reconfiguration.

E. Collaborative Research with students, independent studies, theses, etc.:

Independent study with Etta Yuki ('99) in the fall on Euripides.

Consulted intermittently with Tricia Placido ('99) on her "senex amans" senior thesis.

Currently collaborating with Andrew Cencini ('01) on a virtual workbook for CL 100 (see part C, above).

Advisor for "Orpheus Deceived," an original Greek tragedy by the students of CL 224.  Performed 10 December 1998, and 28 April 1999 (the latter as part of the Academic Festival)


A. Publications, exhibits, performances, etc. (Give full citations with dates):

Completed my Ph.D. Dissertation:  "Metatheater:  Tragic Women in Ovid's Metamorphoses."  (University of Washington, June 1999)

B. Presentations at professional meetings or on campuses:

Paper:  "The Alcaic Kid:  Horace, Odes 3.30" at the 130th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, 28 December 1998.

Guest Lecture:  "Metatheater:  Tragic Women in Ovid's Metamorphoses."  Spring banquet of the Eastern Zone Latin Teacher's Association (EZLTA), 11 May 1999

Supported by Skidmore Travel funds? Fully_X_? Partially_____? No_______.

D. Workshops attended on or off campus:

VRoma workshop, Skidmore College, 3 April 1999

E. Professional meetings attended and/or professional association committee responsibilities:

130th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, 27-30 December 1998

G. Faculty Development Grants applied for?

Summer Technological Innovation Grant (1999), to create a virtual workbook for the proposed CL 100 course (see I.C, above).

Received?  Yes.


A. Administrative responsibilities in program or department:

Participated actively in Classics program discussions on reconfiguration, assessment, curricular matters, and the mission statement.

19 Feb 99:  Meeting in Davis to discuss the proposal for a new Classics department.
25 Feb 99:  Another such meeting.
26 Feb 99:  Classics meeting with Fran Hoffman to discuss assessment.

Attended every required FLL meeting, every Classics program meeting, and nearly every Faculty meeting.

C. Advising responsibilities:

Will be an advisor for 10-12 first year students this fall.

D. Other community activities:

Currently serving as a grader for the NY State Teacher Certification Exam in Latin.

Official signature:  Daniel E. Curley

13 May 1999