Summary of Activities
AY 2006 -
RANK: Assistant Professor
III. Teaching
III. Professional Activity
III. Service
I. TEACHING (Professional Activity | Service)
A. New courses taught:
1. HF 201: Junior Great Books Colloquium (Fall 2006).
2. HF 202: Junior Great Books Practicum (Spring 2007).
3. CL 310: Plautus (Fall 2006). For this course, in addition to reading the Miles Gloriosus, I asked my students to revise the Wikipedia article on Plautus from a more scholarly perspective.
New approaches to existing courses:
1. CL 311: Latin Prose Composition (Spring 2007). I asked my students to complete their prose composition exercises in a wiki, which both allowed me to comment on their exercises more efficiently, and them to collaborate with one another more closely.
A. Use of computers or multimedia in teaching:
1. I created web sites for most of my courses, typically consisting of an on-line syllabus, a timetable of readings and events, links to other web-based resources, and guidelines for assignments and other class projects. My web sites this year were more automated than in previous years — for example, I programmed many of the initial pages to display automatically the agenda for upcoming classes.
2. My students in CL 310: Plautus and CL 311: Prose Comp used wikis on a regular basis.
3. I once again used my online textbook/workbook ÆON (Ancient Etymology ONline) [] for CC 100: English Vocabulary from Greek and Latin.
B. Curricular work-in-progress:
1. Scribner seminar tentatively entitled "Myth-conceptions," Fall 2007. The course will focus on modern attempts to create mythical systems, which resonate with the social functions of ancient Greco-Roman myth.
C. Other:
1. I contributed seven guest lectures on Greco-Roman literature to our gateway course, CC 200 — The Classical World (Spring 2007).
2. I guest-lectured on Greek tragedy in Michael Arnush's Scribner Seminar (Fall 2006).
A. Publications:
1. "The Tragic Page: The Heroides and the Theater of the Epistle." Under revision.
2. "Homeric Hospitality in Callimachus' Hecale." In preparation.
3. Theater and Metatheater: Transforming Tragedy in Ovid. Book project under revision for Ohio State University Press.
B. Professional meetings attended:
1. Parilia: An Undergraduate Conference in Classics. A conference devoted to undergraduate research and professional development. Union College, April 20, 2007.
C. Workshops attended:
1. First Year Experience Workshops for Scribner Seminars. Fall 2006 and Spring 2007.
III. SERVICE (Teaching | Professional Activity)
A. Administrative responsibilities in department:
1. I attended every department meeting and participated actively in departmental matters (Fall 2006 - Spring 2007).
2. I chaired a search committee for Michael Arnush's sabbatical replacement (Spring 2007).
B. Committee responsibilities:
1. Faculty Executive Committee (Chair, Fall 2006 - Spring 2007)
C. Advising responsibilities:
1. Advisor of one Junior Classics major.
D. Other community activities:
1. I participated in various Mellon Diversity Colloquium activities (Spring 2007).
2. I attended every Faculty meeting (Fall 2006 - Spring 2007).
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Curley
Associate Professor of
Skidmore College
June 30, 2007