Summary of
AY 2003 - 2004
RANK: Assistant
III. Professional
III. Service
I. TEACHING (Professional Activity | Service)
A. New departmental courses taught:
1. CL 310: Seminar in Latin Poetry Vergil's Georgics (Fall 2003)
2. CC 292: Semester Project in Classics (Fall 2003)
3. CC 365: Topics in Classical Studies Murdering Mothers (Spring 2003)
New approaches to existing courses:
2. CC 222: Greek Tragedy (Fall 2003). I retained the semester project production of an "original" Greek tragedy in English but restructured it to give the students more responsibility. I taught the course in conjunction with CC 292 (above, A.1), a one-credit add-on that provided a weekly common hour for students to meet and discuss their project. The students' play, Medusa, had a student director, Jen Ginsberg ('04), who was enrolled in both CC 222 and CC 371 (Independent Study), which counted toward her Theater major. Apart from the semester project, I also required the students to perform in class short scenes from every play we read; the result was an enhanced understanding of how ancient tragedy worked in a community setting. Finally, I required students to hold panel discussions on select aspects of the genre.
2. CC 220: Classical Mythology (Fall 2003). I required students to hold panel discussions on select mythological themes and tropes. I also added an extensive peer-review process to the semester project, which was to write an original Greek myth in English. Finally, I added a new lecture on myth in American popular culture, focused on the Batman character in comics.
3. CC 100: English Vocabulary in Greek and Latin (Spring 2004). I added a semester project that asked students to coin new Greek- and Latin-derived words based on different scenarios (e.g., the effects of a terrorist bioweapon on the human body, or an unusual cultural practice).
4. CL 210: Intermediate Latin Caesar's Gallic Wars (Spring 2004). I added new requirements this year: memorization and recitation of a passage from the De Bello Gallico; stylistic analyses of Caesarian prose; and peer-driven prose composition exercises.
A. Use of computers or multimedia in teaching:
1. I created a web site for most of my courses, typically consisting of an online syllabus, a timetable of readings and events, links to other web-based resources, and guidelines for assignments and other class projects.
2. I once again used my online textbook/workbook ÆON (Ancient Etymology ONline) for CC 100: English Vocabulary from Greek and Latin (Spring 2004). []
B. Curricular work-in-progress:
1. CL 310: Seminar in Latin Poetry Ovid. I last taught Ovid in the fall of 1999. My sabbatical project on the Metamorphoses will inform a new seminar in fall 2005, my first semester back.
C. Pedagogy workshops:
1. Panelist for the Academic Integrity Workshop (September 26, 2003).
D. Other:
1. I guest-lectured on Greek tragedy in Michael Arnush's HI 202 Greek History class (November 21, 2003).
A. Publications:
1. "Ovid's Tereus: Theater and Metatheater" in Alan Sommerstein, ed. Shards from Kolonos: Studies in Sophoclean Fragments (Levante Editori, Bari: 2003). 163-197.
2. "Splendidior Vitro: Horace and Callimachus." Classical Philology 98.3 (2003) 280-283.
3. "The Alcaic Kid (Horace, Odes 3.13)." Classical World 97.2 (2004) 137-152.
4. "The Tragic Page: The Heroides and the Theater of the Epistle." Under revision.
5. "Homeric Hospitality in Callimachus' Hecale." In preparation.
6. Review of T. M. Green, The Greek & Latin Roots of English (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003). In preparation for Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
7. Theater and Metatheater: Transforming Tragedy in Ovid. Book project in preparation for Ohio State University Press.
B. Professional meetings attended:
1. Critical Divergences: New Directions in the Study and Teaching of Latin Poetry. Rutgers University, October 24-25, 2003.
C. Workshops attended:
1. Junior Great Books Certification Workshop. BOCES, September 19-20, 2003.
D. External Grants:
I applied to two agencies for external funding to support my sabbatical leave in AY 2004-2005. The results of my applications are below, along with the results from a third application I made in AY 2002-2003 one of which was successful. In all three instances I sought support for my book project, Theater and Metatheater.
1. National Endowment for the Humanities
Amount of funding requested: Term of 12 months ($40,000.00 maximum)
Date applied: May 1, 2003
Date rejected: December 1, 2003
2. American Council of Learned Societies
Amount of funding requested: Term of 12 months ($30,000.00 maximum)
Date applied: October 1, 2003
Date rejected: March 1, 2003
3. Loeb Classical Library Foundation
Amount of funding requested: Half salary from AY 2003-2004 ($22,410.00)
Date applied: October 30, 2003
Date accepted: March 3, 2003
III. SERVICE (Teaching | Professional Activity)
A. Administrative responsibilities in department:
1. I attended every department meeting and participated actively in departmental matters (Fall 2003 - Spring 2004), including the search for my sabbatical replacement.
B. Committee responsibilities:
1. Honor Code Commission (Fall 2003 - Spring 2004).
2. Honors Forum Council (Fall 2003 - Spring 2004). In addition to attending bimonthly meetings of the Council and overseeing applications to the Forum, I served on the Academic Festival subcommittee.
3. CEPP Subcommittee on the First-Year Experience (Fall 2003).
4. Residential Life Initiative Committee (Spring 2004).
C. Advising responsibilities:
1. Advisor of two senior Classics majors (Fall 2003 - Spring 2004).
D. Other community activities:
1. I participated in a junior faculty Discussion on Diversity (February 12, 2004).
2. Panelist for a Discussion on Electronic Portfolios (April 7, 2004).
3. I attended every Faculty meeting (both the regular monthly meetings and one of the two "Faculty-only" discussion sessions (Fall 2003 - Spring 2004).
4. I participated in Commencement Exercises (May 22, 2004).
5. I attended a gathering of faculty hosted by President Glotzbach (October 27, 2003).
6. I attended a gathering of junior faculty hosted by Sarah Goodwin (November 18, 2003).
E. Saratoga Springs and region:
1. Parent-Teacher Organization, Corinth Elementary School (Fall 2003).
2. I was an advisor for an Odyssey of the Mind project undertaken by the third-grade students at Corinth Elementary School (November 2003 - March 2004).
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Curley
Assistant Professor of Classics
Skidmore College