Summary of Activities
AY 2002 - 2003

NAME:  Dan Curley
RANK:  Assistant Professor

:  Classics

III.  Teaching
III.  Professional Activity
III.  Service

I.  TEACHING     (Professional Activity | Service)

A.  New departmental courses taught:

1.  CG 310: Seminar in Greek Poetry — Homer (Fall 2002).
2.  CL 310: Seminar in Latin Poetry — Catullus (Spring 2003).

NOTE:  CL and CG 310 in our department are annual courses with varying content.  I have taught CL 310 before, but not as a Catullus course.  This fall was my first time teaching CG 310.

A.  New approaches to existing courses:

1.  CC 223: Greek and Roman Comedy (Fall 2002).  I retained the semester project (performance of an Aristophanic comedy) but restructured it to give the students more responsibility.  I also required the students to perform in class short scenes from every play we read.  The result was an enhanced understanding of how ancient comedy worked in a community setting.

2.  CC 365: Topics in Classical Studies — Ancient Biography (Fall 2002).  A complete and total overhaul of the course (last taught in Fall 1998).  New readings, new exams, greater emphasis on scholarship and dialogue among the students.

A.  Use of computers or multimedia in teaching:

1.  As in past years, I created a web site for each of my courses, typically consisting of an online syllabus, a timetable of readings and events, links to other web-based resources, and guidelines for assignments and other class projects.  For select courses I wrote simple PERL scripts that automatically updated the web sites, which meant that I had more time to devote to teaching the courses than administrating them.

2.  I once again used my online textbook/workbook ÆON (Ancient Etymology ONline) for CC 100: English Vocabulary from Greek and Latin (Spring 2003).  []

B.  Curricular work-in-progress:

1.  CC 292: Project in Classics (Fall 2003).  As the students of CC 223 suggested this fall, large projects for courses in translation really need an extra fourth hour.  I proposed CC 292 this spring, and will offer it concurrently with CC 222 — Greek Tragedy next fall.

2.  CL 310: Seminar in Latin Poetry — Vergil (Fall 2003).  I have taught the Aeneid at the introductory level;  this course will focus on the Georgics.

3.  CC 365: Topics in Classical Studies — Classics and Cinema (Spring 2004).

C. Pedagogy workshops:

1.  College Upside-Down (September 27, 2002).

D.  Collaborative Research with students:

1.  I was a reader for the senior thesis of Gillian Roberts (Spring 2003).

E.  Other:

1.  I delivered (with Leslie Mechem) a lecture entitled "Unmasking Greek Tragedy" during Minicollege on Parents' Weekend (October 13, 2001).

2.  I guest-lectured on Greek Music in Michael Arnush's HF 200 — Greco-Roman Olympics class (March 25, 2002).

II. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY     (Teaching | Service)

A. Publications, exhibits, performances:

1.  Received proofs on "Ovid's Tereus: Theater and Metatheater" for the volume Shards from Kolonos: Studies in Sophoclean Fragments (Levante Editori, Bari;  Alan Sommerstein, ed.).  The volume will be published in September 2003.

2.  "Splendidior Vitro: Horace and Callimachus."  Accepted by Classical Philology (October 2002).

3.  "The Alcaic Kid (Horace, Odes 3.13)."  Accepted by Classical World (March 2003).

4.  "The Tragic Page: The Heroides and the Theater of the Epistle."  Submitted to Papers of the Langford Latin Seminar (March 2003).

5.  I have proposed a book on Ovid and tragedy for Ohio State University Press' new series on classical literature.  Two sample chapters have already received a positive external review.  After conferring with the series editor, I am in the process of producing two more chapters, which the Press will consider along with the first two for an early acceptance.  I hope to send the four chapters to the Press this summer.

6.  I coordinated (with Michael Arnush) The Lysistrata Project, a reading and discussion of Aristophanes' play (March 3, 2003).  The Project was part of a worldwide effort to voice opposition to the war on Iraq.

B. Presentations at professional meetings or on campuses:

1.  "Publishing without Perishing."  American Philological Association.  New Orleans, LA (January 5, 2003).

The presentation was supported by Skidmore travel funds.

C. External grants applied for:

Name of foundation or agency:  National Endowment for the Humanities
Title of Proposal:  Theater and Metatheater: Transforming Tragedy in Ovid
Amount of funding requested:  Term of 12 months (up to $40,000.00)
Date applied:  May 1, 2003

III. SERVICE     (Teaching | Professional Activity)

A.  Administrative responsibilities in department:

1.  I attended every department meeting and participated actively in departmental matters (Fall 2002 - Spring 2003).

2.  I explored (with Michael Arnush) avenues for integrating Classics into the Expanding Horizons program.  I attended two lunches (November 4, 2002, and March 31, 2003); the first was a workshop with Schuylerville teachers, the second a discussion with Ruth Andrea Levinson, the EH director.  I am currently working with Michelle McDougall, Assistant Principal of Schuylerville Middle School, to arrange a visit by our department and to discuss how we might supplement the Schuylerville curriculum.

3.  I am in the beginning stages of developing an electronic portfolio system for our majors as part of a pilot project overseen by Ray Rodriguez, Director of Assessment. 

4.  I worked (with Leslie Mechem) on a proposal to create an Interdepartmental English-Classics major (December 2002 - March 2003).

B.  Committee responsibilities:

1.  Palamountain Prose Committee (Spring 2003).

2.  Faculty Representative, Honor Code Commission (Fall 2002 - Spring 2003).  I sponsored a motion approved by the Faculty (April 4, 2003), which requires students to write out and sign the Honor Code Statement (as requested by SGA resolution 13-10).  I will serve as Faculty Representative to HCC for one more year, in which the Commission will sponsor efforts by the student body to reclaim and rewrite the Skidmore College Honor Code.

3.  Honors Forum Council (Fall 2002 - Spring 2003).  In addition to attending bimonthly meetings of the Council and overseeing applications to the Forum, I served on a subcommittee devoted to making the HF curriculum more cohesive and more rigorous.  Also, I attended a luncheon for accepted HF students and their parents (April 14, 2003).

4.  I remained involved with developments from an Integrity Board hearing last spring, ensuring that the student met her obligations to the community as the result of two plagiarisms.

C.  Advising responsibilities:

1.  I was the advisor of three second-year students, three third-years, and two fourth-years (Fall 2002 - Spring 2003).  Six of these eight were Classics majors or minors.

D.  Other community activities:

1.  I was a member of a Mellon Grant Focus Group that discussed issues pertaining to untenured faculty (February 24, 2003)

2.  I attended almost every Faculty meeting (both the regular monthly meetings and the two "Faculty-only" discussion sessions (Fall 2002 - Spring 2003).

3.  I attended the open meetings of the Presidential Search Committee (December 16, 2002, and April 8, 2003), as well as the community forums to meet the presidential candidates.

4.  I participated in Commencement Exercises (May 17, 2003).

5.  I attended a special meeting of junior Faculty hosted by Sarah Goodwin (October 20, 2003).

F.  Saratoga Springs and region:

1.  Parents' Council, Corinth Program Center of the Saratoga YMCA (Spring 2003).

2.  I was an advisor for an Odyssey of the Mind project undertaken by the second-grade PACE students at Corinth Elementary School (February - March 2003).

Respectfully submitted,

Dan Curley
Assistant Professor of Classics
Skidmore College

June 10, 2003